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Osbournes - Series 1, The

Osbournes - Series 1, The

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Jack Osbourne

Director: Katherine Brooks

Summary: Features every episode from the first series of the documentary which takes a look at the 'Prince of Darkness' and his colourful family. The episodes are 'There Goes The Neighbourhood', 'Bark At The Moon', 'For The Record', 'Won't You Be My Neighbour?', 'Tour Of Duty', 'Trouble In Paradise', 'Get Stuffed', 'No Vagrancy', 'A Very Ozzy Christmas' and 'Dinner With Ozzy'.

Probably the most talked-about television show of 2002, MTV's THE OSBOURNES was a phenomenal critical and popular success. Chronicling the lives of ex Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne, his wife Sharon, and their two children, Kelly and Jack, the show mixes of reality TV, a traditional family sitcom, the surreal world of the rich and famous, SPINAL TAP-like absurdity, and lots of cursing, resulting in one of the funniest and original TV series in years. This collection contains the entire first season of the show, available in both censored (bleeped) and uncensored formats.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The first series of The Osbournesis a hilarious fly-on-the-wall documentary concerning the day-to-day domestic misadventures of Ozzy Osbourne (former frontman of Black Sabbath), his relatively sensible wife Sharon and their kids Jack and Kelly. Having made his millions and been to rock &roll hell and back, Ozzy seems content nowadays to put his feet up in the sofa of the kitchen of his palatial Beverly Hills abode. However, a host of problems--including poorly toilet-trained domestic pets, noisy neighbours, his continuing obligations as an ageing metal superstar, his inability to operate the state-of-the-art telly and his ever-quarrelsome kids flapping fractiously about the place--forbid him a moment of peace.

This real-life sitcom fodder has led many to describe the Osbourne family as "dysfunctional"--however, despite the generous helpings of expletives with which the series is garnished, like The Simpsons, they're actually a loving and stable family unit underneath it all. The series isn't perfect--the stylised MTV treatment is occasionally obtrusive and more Ozzy and less of the career-hungry teen brats would be welcome. Still, it's a gloriously refreshing change from the usual bland evasiveness of celebrity profiles.

On the DVD: The Osbournesboasts a welter of wittily packaged special features. These include a commentary track ("Aww, look at Kelly, being nice! Can't we have that Kelly back?"), an "Ozzy translator" (English subtitles) for the benefit of those bamboozled by his Brummy accent and "Ozzy's Ten Commandments" delivered impromptu by the great man, tidied up into biblical-speak in the subtitles ("Thou shall cling tight to the moneybelt of thy father"). Although Sharon declares that she's "worried about the oranges" on the DVD, she needn't be. Given that this is a transfer from video, it looks clean and pristine, necessarily so in that it enhances the colourful, almost cartoon air of the series. Sound wise, there are no problems either, despite the competing setbacks of thick accents, background music, "voices off" and barking. Everything is picked up, from offhand grunted remarks to ear-splitting tantrums. --David Stubbs

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Commentary Track, Ozzy Translator, Bonus Footage From Series One, Un Aired Material, Too Oz For TV Blooper Reel, Conversations With The Osbournes, Ozzys Ten Commandments, Series Highlights, Name That Dookie Game
Year: 2002
Release Date: April 7, 2003
Runtime: 210 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: B E D 888760
Keywords: First, Comedy, Two, General, Series, Entertainment, Documentary, Tv, Discs, Documentaries, Biographies, Osbournes
Genre: Documentaries & Biographies

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