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PTU - Police Tactical Unit

PTU - Police Tactical Unit

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Lam Suet, Simon Yam, Ruby Wong, Raymond Wong, Maggie Shiu, Lo Hoi Pang, Ko Hung

Director: Johnny To

Summary: Johnny To (FULLTIME KILLER) directs this Hong Kong action film noir that takes place one dangerous night on the streets where the police tactical unit (PTU) are assigned to patrol. With shadowy alleyways, dingy restaurants, and seedy video game arcades setting the scene for the constantly violent action, PTU is a street war between police and underground thugs. Sergeant Lo (Lam Suet) cruises on his own, while groups of other police officers scan the streets, beating and brutalising punk kids who report directly to the major thugs Ponytail, Bald Head, and Eye Ball. Lo's main problem is that he has lost his police-issue handgun and he badly wants it back. He follows any leads available trying to find it, even if it means betraying his fellow officers and making a deal with the thugs. A brutal film that nonetheless has moments of absurd comic relief--Lo slips on a banana peel while in pursuit of punks not once but twice--PTU is another solid contribution to To's entertaining repertoire of Hong Kong action flicks.

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Main Language: Cantonese
Region: Region 2
Year: 2003
Release Date: July 23, 2007
Runtime: 88 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: T W F 006
Keywords: World, General, Police, Unit, Thriller, Cinema, Cantonese, Tactical, Ptu
Genre: Thriller

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