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Personal Velocity

Personal Velocity

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: John Ventimiglia, Kyra Sedgwick, Fairuza Balk, David Warshofsky, Brian Tarantina, Mara Hobel, Parker Posey, Nick Cubbler, Laura Fanelli, Nicole Murphy

Director: Rebecca Miller

Summary: A collection of stories about three women who all come from a unstable family background. There's Delia who was abandoned by her mother and was left to be brought up by her drug-addict father. Greta left home when she was young because she couldn't cope with her mother's criticism and Paula who lived on the streets for a year after running away from home.

Three very different women confront life-changing decisions in this film derived from Rebecca Miller's book of short stories. Each woman has reached a turning point in her life. Delia (Kyra Sedgwick) finally takes a stand and leaves her abusive husband, but still has to find a way to regain her power and life; Greta (Parker Posey) achieves more professional success than she ever imagined, but has fidelity issues when it comes to her marriage and her lovable but dull husband; and, on the heels of a tragic accident, Paula (Fairuza Balk) has to contend with an unplanned pregnancy and the status of her personal relationships. Shot in digital video, the film is peppered with various effects and editing that achieve an intimate look and feel. Sedgwick is exceptional and wholly believable as gritty, tough-as-nails Delia. Both Posey and Balk are well cast as their respective characters, with Poseys vignette infusing some humor into the trilogy despite its serious overtones, and Balk bringing an indepth sensitivity to Paula. The film also stars David Warshofsky, Tim Guinee, Rob Leibman, and Wallace Shawn and is narrated by John Ventimiglia. PERSONAL VELOCITY is written and directed by Rebecca Miller, daughter of famed playwright Arthur Miller.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Documentary, Audio Commentary - 1. Rebecca Miller - Director, Trailers - 1. Original Theatrical Trailer
Year: 2001
Release Date: September 1, 2003
Runtime: 83 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 24509 D V D
Keywords: General, Velocity, Personal, Drama
Genre: Drama

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