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Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Rose McGowan, Joanna Going, Liev Schreiber, Ben Affleck, Peter O'Toole, John Scott Clough, Bo Hopkins, Yvette Nipar, Nicky Katt, Rachel Shane, Clifton Powell, Rich Beall, Michael DeLorenzo, Judith Drake, Luke Eberl, William Hahn, Dean Hallo, John Hammil, Robert Himber, Robert Knepper, Adam Nelson, Rick Otto, Clive Rosengren, Ruger, Paul Schmidt, Edmund Wilson

Director: Joe Chappelle

Summary: A force of evil has surfaced with enough power to destroy every human being on earth. In the town of Snowfield, seven hundred people suddenly go missing leaving only five survivors who must stop this evil before it wipes out civilisation...

Unspeakable horrors have mysteriously befallen the whole town of Snowfield, Colorado, leaving behind only a few mangled body parts and unanswered questions. Enter two vacationing sisters and a sheriff and deputy from a nearby town, who try to piece things together with the help of a scientist-turned-tabloid hack. But will they unravel the mystery of the monstrous subterranean killing force before they become its prey

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Either Dean Koontz shouldn't adapt his own bestsellers, or his 1983 novel Phantomswas a pack of horror clichés to begin with, or this movie is 15 years past its due date. What might have seemed fresh at the time of Poltergeistnow feels like it was made from a derivative script with pages missing. Plagued by reckless leaps of logic, the movie starts with adequately eerie atmosphere and a perversely twisted performance by Scream 2's Liev Schreiber, but decays into a familiar hash of gross-out effects, resulting from the annihilation of a small Colorado town by an evil force known as "The Ancient Enemy". In a dreary role that insults the twilight of his distinguished career, Peter O'Toole plays a paleobiologist whose crackpot ideas have become tabloid fodder; but he holds the key to conquering the beast. Or does he? Sure enough, an obligatory coda leaves room for anticlimactic doubt. Phantomshas a few genuinely creepy highlights, including a devilish beastie resembling an angry flying scorpion, and horror fans will surely find something to admire, but everyone else is advised to proceed with caution and lowered expectations. --Jeff Shannon, Amazon.com

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Scene Access
Year: 1998
Release Date: June 15, 2006
Runtime: 92 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: B E D 888413
Keywords: General, Phantoms, Horror, Occult, Sci, Fi
Genre: Horror/Occult

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