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Plan 9 From Outer Space

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Parental Guidance.Info Stars: Bela Lugosi, Lyle Talbot, John Breckinridge, Gregory Walcott, Duke Moore

Director: Edward D. Wood Jr.

Summary: A cult classic, often called the best worst movie ever made. The story of alien invaders who try to conquer the world by resurrecting the dead...

PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE is Ed Wood's unintentionally hilarious film in which aliens plan to take over the world by resurrecting only three corpses. Horror icon Bela Lugosi died during production and was replaced by a chiropractor who hid his face behind a cape. The film also features Vampira and wrestler Tor Johnson. Quite possibly the best bad movie ever made, PLAN 9, with its hubcap flying saucers on strings, is sure to entertain.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Sometimes a movie achieves such legendary status that it can't quite live up to its reputation. Plan 9 from Outer Spaceis not one of these movies. It is just as magnificently terrible as you've heard. Plan 9is the story of space aliens who try to conquer the Earth through resurrection of the dead. Psychic Criswell narrates ("Future events such as these will affect you in the future!") as police rush through the cemetery, occasionally clipping the cardboard tombstones in their zeal to find the source of the mysterious goings-on. More than just a bad film, Plan 9is something of a one-stop clearinghouse for poor cinematic techniques: the time shifts whimsically from midnight to afternoon sun, Tor Johnson flails desperately in an attempt to rise from his coffin, and flying saucers zoom past on clearly visible strings. Fading star Bela Lugosi tragically died during filming but such a small hurdle could not stop writer-producer-director Ed Wood. Lugosi is ingeniously replaced with a man who holds a cape across his face and might as well have "NOT BELA LUGOSI" stamped on his forehead. Plan 9is so sweetly well intentioned in both its message and its execution that it's impossible not to love it. And if you don't, well, as Eros says, "You people of Earth are idiots!" --Ali Davis

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Original Theatrical Posters, Scrolling, Chapter Menu, Ed Woods Greatest Hits, White Rabbit Feature, Documentary, Biographies, Filmographies, Stills
Year: 1959
Release Date: April 20, 2009
Runtime: 78 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: P I C D 001
Keywords: Comedy, Off, General, Outer, Space, Fiction, Science, Plan, From, Horror, Schedule, Sci, Fi
Genre: Science Fiction

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