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Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Dan Monahan, Wyatt Knight, Chuck Mitchell, Kim Cattrall

Director: Bob Clark

Summary: A raunchy, irreverent comedy classic released in the early 80s to set the tone for all other teen flicks of that era, PORKY'S takes a look at the sex lives of a group of teenage boys in 1950s Florida in all their obsessive, unfulfilled glory. Pee Wee, the main character in this group of 6 Angel Beach high schoolers, is so named for the size of his appendage; nonetheless, he wants nothing more than to lose his virginity. All six spend most of their time devising easy ways to score and spying on their co-eds in the shower, taking breaks only to insult their large dictator-like teacher Ms. Ballbricker and play pranks on each other. They devise a plan to take a trip to a divey strip club in the Everglades called Porky's, where they are sure to get some action; unfortunately, owner Porky doesn't much care for the underage likes of them, and after humiliating them and stealing their money, he kicks them out, deflated. But not for long. Thus ensues one of the most elaborate and uproarious revenge plots ever committed to film, and which cemented this movie's place within the canon of comedy forever. Director Bob Clark culled stories from his own childhood memories to write the film over a period of 15 years, and the personal quality as well as the elements of racism that were characteristic of post WWII Florida, lend the film an authenticity and nostalgic sensibility that rises above the mere sex comedy. It also stars Kim Cattrall, who went on to star as Samantha in SEX AND THE CITY.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1981
Release Date: June 20, 2005
Runtime: 94 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 0114901000
Keywords: Comedy, General, Porky's
Genre: Comedy

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