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Predator (Special Edition)

Predator (Special Edition)

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Duke, Elpidia Carrillo, Jesse Ventura, R.G. Armstrong, Kevin Peter Hall, Carl Weathers, Sonny Landham

Director: John McTiernan

Summary: Recruited by the CIA to rescue hostages held by guerrilla fighters in a Central American country, the commandos encounter an enemy more deadly than any on earth - because the Predator is not of this earth...

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Reviewed by: philreyn
Posted on October 17, 2005 12:29 PM

This film ran over time, and over budget. Then, part way through they had to reinvent/redesign the alien! Thankfully they persevered, and we ended up with an alien movie that ranks alongside 'Aliens' itself.
This has to be one of Schwarzenegger's best films alongside 'Terminator'. It has a tense build up to the first contact with the Predator, not showing too much of the alien. Then, as the film continues you see more and more as he kills of Schwarzenegger's team one by one. The tension is maintained right through to the final scene. Must have movie!

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk For those who found 2004's Aliens vs. Predator too lightweight in the gore-and-guns department, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem offers a marked improvement in both categories, as well as a respectable amount of rumbles between the title extraterrestrials. Set in the 21st century (which predates the story to all of the Alien features), Requiem sends a crippled Predator ship crashing to Earth in a small Colorado town; unbeknownst to the locals, the craft is loaded with H.R. Giger's insectoid monsters, which make quick work of most of the population. As the human cast is slowly whittled to a few hardy (if unmemorable) souls, a Predator warrior also arrives to complicate matters and do battle with the Aliens, as well as a ferocious Alien-Predator hybrid (dubbed a Predalien by the sci-fi and horror press).

Visual-effects designers and music-video helmers The Strause Brothers (who make their feature directorial debut here) keep the action on frantic throughout, which is wise, since the dialogue and characters are threadbare at best; that should matter little to teenage male viewers, who are inarguably the film's key audience. Fans of the Alien franchise, however, may find the offhanded nod to the series' mythology given during the finale its sole saving grace. --Paul Gaita, Amazon.com

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1987
Release Date: May 3, 2004
Runtime: 102 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 01515 C D V D X
Keywords: Special, Action, Two, General, Edition, Predator, Adventure, Discs
Genre: Action/Adventure

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