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Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Arnold Vosloo, Brad Dourif, Lindsay Crouse, Jillian McWhirter, Wilford Brimley

Director: Brian Yuzna

Summary: As surgeon Craig Barton (Arnold Vosloo, THE MUMMY) and his wife Sherry share an intimate moment at home, bright blue light engulfs them. The next thing they know, two hours that they can not account for have passed. Under hypnosis, Sherry is able to recall some of the events, which involve intruders in their bedroom and being medically probed by alien beings inside a spacecraft. Now pregnant, Sherry believes that her memories never really happened, but Craig fears that their child may not be human! With PROGENY, the team of Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna, who collaborated on such horror classics as RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND, have produced a chilling tale of alien abduction.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk OK, brace yourself--this could get messy. Craig Burton (Arnold Vosloo, the eponymous vengeful goon in The Mummy) stars here as a dedicated, overworked hospital doctor whose sterling abilities in the emergency room are sadly unparalleled in the bedroom given that he still can't father a child with his spouse Sherry (Jillian McWhirter). Until, that is, he finds himself undergoing a dizzying--and inordinately lengthy--out-of-body experience in the middle of the night. Subsequently troubled by grotesque paranormal visions, Craig is distressed to discover Sherry is pregnant. Convinced his unborn child is, in fact, the product of his wife's abduction by aliens, he's not a happy man. In his fevered state, he first dispatches Sherry to alarming gynaecologist David Weatherly (Wilford Brimley), before visiting both shrink Susan Lamarche (Lindsay Crouse) and alien abduction expert Bert Clavell (Brad Dourif). And from here on in, it gets reallydumb.

Adorned with the kind of icky, low-rent effects and weird fixation with medical procedure that anyone acquainted with the work of director Brian Yuzna (Society) and scriptwriter Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator) will no doubt already be familiar with, Progenyis a boon for the connoisseur of straight-to-tape nonsense. Just check out that cast-can't you hear the deep, gravelly voice on the trailer now ("Together at last--Crouse. Brimley. Dourif. Vosloo!")? Obviously, anyone after plausible moments of human drama is in entirely the wrong place and, yes, both the direction and performances are erratic to put it politely (Vosloo appears in a state of near-catatonia throughout), but, in its own, stomach-turning, sub-Rosemary's Babykind of way, Progenyis a prime example of sci-fi/horror nonsense at its best (and most nonsensical). --Danny Leigh

Aspect Ratio: Full Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Chapter Search, Trailer
Year: 1999
Release Date: May 2, 2000
Runtime: 92 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P D V D 1177
Keywords: General, Fiction, Science, Horror, Sci, Fi, Progeny
Genre: Horror/Occult

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