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Project A - Part 2 (Subtitled And Dubbed) (Wide Screen)

Project A - Part 2 (Subtitled And Dubbed) (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Jackie Chan, Rosamund Kwan, Maggie Cheung, John Cheung

Director: Jackie Chan

Summary: Police Inspector 'Dragon' Ma, who is hell-bent on hunting down a corrupt senior policeman, is aided in his task by an army of revolutionaries and a bunch of reformed pirates.

Jackie Chan finds a new set of adventures as Dragon Ma, the only good cop in turn-of-the-20th-century Hong Kong. This time he's assigned to clean up corruption in a local town while getting involved with a band of rebels. Chan wrote, directed, and stars in this exciting mix of action and comedy.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk For people who've discovered Jackie Chan through his American hit Rush Hourand want to learn what his Hong Kong movies are like, Project Ais an excellent place to start. Chan plays a sailor in 19th-century Hong Kong; pirates have been terrorizing the seas for months and all efforts to combat them have been sabotaged by the corrupt chief of police and a criminal gang, who are in cahoots with the pirates. But the plot is hardly the point--a Jackie Chan movie is about astonishingly acrobatic action sequences and breathtaking stunts, and Project Ahas plenty. Of particular interest is a bicycle chase that is more suspenseful than any car chase you've ever seen. Chan is joined by Sammo Hung (star of the US TV series Martial Law) as a shifty con man who comes through when the chips are down. Project Aalso features Yuen Biao, a frequent co-star in Chan's movies, who's yet another astounding martial artist. But what separates Jackie Chan movies from other kung fu flicks is his sense of humour; every fight scene is punctuated by something--a clever use of a prop or sudden reversal of your expectations--that will make you bark with laughter. Sometimes it's just so exquisitely choreographed that the entire movie seems to float on a cloud of giddy delight. Jackie Chan is often compared to the classic silent comedians for his grace and timing--he lives up to it. --Bret Fetzer

Aspect Ratio: 2.35 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: Cantonese
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Feature Length Audio Commentary With Bey Logan, Trailer Archive, The Big Boss Interview With Chan Wei Man, Warriors Two An Inside Look At The Action Sequences With Bey Logan And Anthony Carpio
Subtitles: English
Year: 1987
Release Date: January 27, 2003
Runtime: 102 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: M D V 600
Label: Hong Kong Legends
Keywords: Martial, Subtitled, Wide, Screen, Project, Dubbed, Part, Cantonese, Ii, Arts, B, 'a', Gai, Jaap, Juk, Waak
Genre: Martial Arts

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