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Protectors, The - Vol. 2 - Series 1 - Episodes 9-16

Protectors, The - Vol. 2 - Series 1 - Episodes 9-16

Parental Guidance.Info Stars: Tony Anholt, Nyree Dawn Porter, Robert Vaughn

Summary: This live-action thriller from THUNDERBIRDS creator, Gerry Anderson, follows the adventures of three international private detectives fighting crime in some of the world's most glamourous locations. This volume collects a further 8 episodes from series one.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Another series from Lew Grade's ITC stable, The Protectorsattracted high ratings on both sides of the Atlantic when screened during 1971-3. Combining the high-tech ingenuity of Mission: Impossiblewith the glamour of The Champions, the basic premise of jet-setting special agents going where governments fear to tread is typical of its era. As Harry Rule, Robert Vaughn develops the thinking man of action persona he perfected in The Man from U.N.C.L.E, complemented by Nyree Dawn Porter's stylish Contessa di Contini. The underrated Tony Anholt makes the most of his Mediterranean good looks as Paul Buchet.

Ten episodes are included here, all following a well-honed formula of intrigue and strategy, but with enough variety in scenario and setting--a range of European cities and resorts--to offset routine. Look out for a host of soon-to-be-familiar faces. There's also Tony Christie's full-throated rendition of the "Avenues and Alleyways" theme to round off each episode.

On the DVD:The Protectorson disc comes in a full-screen format that reproduces excellently for its age (Lew Grade's productions always seem to last well). Each episode is divided into four chapter headings, with English subtitles available. A detailed biography of Vaughn is included along with a gallery of captioned stills, some of which are curiously reproduced in black-and-white. Taken with a healthy dose of nostalgia, entertainment is assured. --Richard Whitehouse

Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Character Biographies, Stills Gallery
Year: 1972
Release Date: June 24, 2002
Runtime: 200 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: 37115 03063
Keywords: Action, Off, General, Series, Tv, Adventure, Protectors, Episodes, Schedule, Vol
Genre: Action/Adventure

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