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Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info
Director: Jim Sonzero

Summary: Techno-thriller in which a mysterious computer program appears to infect whoever comes into contact with it. When Josh (Jonathan Tucker), a student hacker, accidentally taps into the wrong kind of wireless signal, an evil is unleashed into this world that cannot be contained. Now it seems the virus can be transmitted to humans in a number of ways; from innocuous mobile phones to e-mail devices. A suicide starts off a chain of unexplained deaths, and as the body count rises, it becomes clear that no one is immune. Jim Sonzero's feature-film directorial debut--itself a remake of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Japanese horror hit KAIRO--is a claustrophobic examination of where technology is headed, loosely falling into the same genre as films like Takashi Miike's ONE MISSED CALL and Gore Verbinski's THE RING. Elia Cmiral's atmospheric score heightens the tension.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Audio commentaries, Creating The Fear featurette , Visual Effects featurette , Pulse and the paranormal , Theatrical trailer, Deleted and alternative scenes
Year: 2006
Release Date: March 5, 2007
Runtime: 84 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P H E 9179
Keywords: English, Remake, Pulse, Thriller, Horror, Technology, Suspense
Genre: Horror/Occult

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