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School For Scoundrels / The Green Man

School For Scoundrels / The Green Man

Parental Guidance.Info Stars: Alastair Sim, Ian Carmichael, Terry-Thomas, John Le Mesurier, George Cole, Jill Adams, Dora Bryan, Raymond Huntley

Director: Robert Day

Summary: In 'School For Scoundrels' a born failure enrols at the College of One-Upman-ship and completes a crash course on coping with life's hilarious humiliations without actually cheating. In 'The Green Man' a timid clockmaker with a part-time job - International Assassination Expert - finds himself in real trouble when he stalks the wrong target, blowing up a boring politician instead. And now he must pay the price...

This double-feature of Alastair Sim movies featuring the equally inimitable Terry-Thomas is a wonderful thing. In THE GREEN MAN Sim plays Hawkins, a timid mild-mannered clockmaker, in reluctant retirement from his rather exciting career as an International Assassination Expert. Suddenly a mission comes his way and he wheedles his way into secretary Marigold's affections to glean vital information for his cunning plan to kill Sir Gregory Upshott. But she knows too much and must go too. George Cole stars in a great turn as a vacuum cleaner salesman charming the pop socks off Jill Adam's soon-to-be-wed beauty. Terry-Thomas is the married, dashing, sports car-driving lover of Dora Bryan who tends bar at The Green Man hotel where the killing must take place. This is a classic matinee movie full of fabulous farcical scenes as Sim tries to fulfill his mission and avoid detection.
The SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDRELS is a college where Alastair Sim teaches oneupmanship. Ian Carmichael plays the hapless new student Palfrey who's unlucky in everything. Terry-Thomas plays the already one-up cad Raymond Delauney who Palfrey must beat for affections of April (Janette Scott). During the tennis scene you'll be in hysterics as Terry-Thomas, in response to bad play from Carmichael, repeatedly calls "Hard Cheese". It's great to see the competition hot-up between them with Sim cooly standing by with advice.

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Reviewed by: davybozal24-7
Posted on April 28, 2006 12:51 PM

This is a double helping of classic British comedy at its very best
with an all - star cast of stalwart British actors causing mayhem and
side - splitting fomulaic material which will have you falling off your sofas no end . In School For Scoundrels , this is an engaging screen version of Stephen Potter's ' one - upmanship ' books . With
a brilliant Alastair Sim as the head of a college that teaches gamesmanship , Ian Carmichael as a hapless pupil , plus quintessential Englishman Terry - Thomas as his rascally rival in love . In The Green Man with a similar cast , a bungling bomber fowls up .

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The Green Manand School for Scoundrelsare gems of both British comedy and the great Alastair Sim treasury. The Green Manis a charming film that carries a wickedly subversive streak of black humour squarely on the back of Alastair Sim's disgruntled criminal mastermind. Planning to assassinate a windbag MP, his dastardly plot is embroiled in a comedy of errors when George Cole's vacuum cleaning demonstration turns up a corpse in the piano at Sim's Windyridge cottage. Teaming up with the long-legged neighbour Cole tracks down the bomb to a secret hideaway for the MP--a pub called the Green Man. This is the sort of masterful comedy that deftly gets away with confusing the audience, who are never sure whose side they should be cheering.

In School for Scoundrelswimpy Ian Carmichael wants to impress girls and get one over on all-round show-off and cad Terry Thomas (playing gloriously to type). Discovering Alastair Sim's unorthodox school Carmichael happily enrols and learns the quaint tricks of the day for securing the admiration of a fair lady. Ultimately as a star pupil he teaches the Master a thing or two about true love when everything turns out just fine in the end. The three central performances are brilliantly realised, particularly the role reversal between Carmichael and Thomas. Try playing a tennis match after a viewing without calling "hard cheese". --Paul Tonks

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1960
Release Date: April 14, 2003
Runtime: 166 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: D 038484
Label: Canal Plus
Keywords: Man, Green, School, Comedy, General, Scoundrels, Alastair, Sim
Genre: Comedy

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