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She Hate Me (Wide Screen)

She Hate Me (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Reynaldo Rosales, Kerry Washington, Ellen Barkin, Monica Bellucci

Director: Spike Lee

Summary: John Henry 'Jack' Armstrong, a biotech executive, is fired from his job after informing on his bosses. Branded a 'whistle-blower' and thus deemed unemployable, Jack desperately needs some money. Through his ex-girlfriend's initiative, he stumbles into the baby-making business, charging ten thousand dollars a try. While interest is high, Jack's life is going to get rather complicated ...

Well-known for his ability to combine political and social issues with a poignant story, Spike Lee writes, directs, and produces SHE HATE ME. John Henry Jack Armstrong (Anthony Mackie), an executive at a pharmaceutical company, blows the whistle on the company's CEO over an ethics issue, and is fired. Though he's out of work and has suffered a serious blow to his business reputation, his ex-girlfriend Fatima (Kerry Washington) enlists his help on a babymaking mission. She wants to get pregnant and so does her lesbian girlfriend Alex (Dania Ramirez). In fact, so do plenty of other lesbians, who Fatima invites into Jack's bedroom in droves, resulting in some very funny sex scenes. With a $10,000 price tag per dose of Jack's 'man milk'--cheaper than adoption and less mysterious than artificial insemination--Jack is making a bundle and keeping the lesbian mothers-to-be happy. However, his actions do catch up to him, and in a final court hearing about his corporate situation, his second job also becomes a major detractor from his credibility. Lee uses a smooth jazz score, scenic New York and Brooklyn photography, and a many of his favorite actors--John Turturro, Ossie Davis, Q-Tip--to make this thought-provoking and often surprising film work like a charm.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk In a long and varied career, She Hate Meis easily one of Spike Lee's most unusual films--on the one hand it's a drama, on the other, it's a comedy. Then there's the structure: a crazy quilt made up out of several different stories. Even the style is a patchwork incorporating animation and pseudo-documentary--in the vein of Lee's 1986 hit She's Gotta Have It. It all revolves around one John Henry "Jack" Armstrong (8 Mile's Anthony Mackie), a successful executive at a biotech company much like ImClone (the one that brought Martha Stewart down). When Jack blows the whistle and loses his job, ex-fiancée Fatima (Ray's Kerry Washington), who left him for another woman, offers the now-penniless Jack $10,000 to impregnate her. All goes well, so they set up business together, and he proceeds to impregnate countless gay women, including mafia princess Simona (Monica Bellucci). If there's one thing that keeps it all together, it's Mackie, who handles the many changes Lee puts him through with admirable aplomb. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

Aspect Ratio: 1.85 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Spike Lee Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Behind The Scenes Featurette
Subtitles: English, Hindi
Year: 2004
Release Date: February 28, 2005
Runtime: 133 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: C D R 37489
Keywords: Comedy, She, General, Wide, Screen, Hate, Me
Genre: Comedy

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