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Sixth Happiness (Wide Screen)

Sixth Happiness (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Nina Wadia, Indira Varma, Meera Syal

Director: Waris Hussein

Summary: Based on the autobiographical novel by Kanga. A boy is born with brittle bones in Bombay in 1962.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk An Ingrid Bergman double-bill comes to DVD with the classy pairing of Anastasia(1956) and The Inn of the Sixth Happiness(1958).

In AnastasiaBergman gives one of her memorable, haunting and haunted performances as an amnesiac chosen by a White Russian general (Yul Brynner) in 1928 to play the part of the long-rumoured but missing survivor of the Bolsheviks' murderous attack on the Czar's family. The twist is that Bergman's mystery woman seems to know more about the lost Anastasia than she is told. Based on the play by Marcelle Maurette and Guy Bolton, this film--directed by Anatole Litvak (Out of the Fog)--really does get under one's skin, not least of all because of its intriguing story but more so as a result of the strong chemistry between Bergman and Brynner. --Tom Keogh

The Inn of the Sixth Happinessis an epic and extraordinary true story--or, at least, an extraordinary story based on a novel (Alan Burgess's The Small Woman) based on a true story. Gladys Aylward (an improbably mesmerising Ingrid Bergman) is a British would-be missionary with an obsession about China. As she has no experience, the Missionary Society won't let her go, but she goes anyway, alone, to a remote northern province. She is hated, then loved; finally she becomes both a significant political figure and the heroine of a miraculous escape in which she shepherds 100 children to safety across the mountains just ahead of a Japanese invasion. Curt Jurgens is suitably stony as Lin Nan, the half-Dutch, half-Chinese military officer who falls in love with her, and a visibly ailing Robert Donat (who died before this, his final film, was released) is the wily local mandarin who sees and makes use of her extraordinary abilities. Directed by Mark Robson, The Inn of the Sixth Happinessis a sweeping, stirring tear-jerker, a big tale told in a big landscape with acres of orchestrated strings by Malcolm Arnold. It's a beautiful and beautifully made film that's a classic of the "everyone said I couldn't but I did it anyway" genre.--Richard Farr

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interview With Firdas Kanga And Waris Hussein, Commentary With Firdus Kanga
Year: 1997
Release Date: March 28, 2005
Runtime: 91 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: B F I V D 562
Keywords: General, Sixth, Wide, Screen, Happiness, Drama, 6th
Genre: Drama

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