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Slaughterhouse Five

Slaughterhouse Five

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Michael Sacks, Ron Leibman, Valerie Perrine

Director: George Roy Hill

Summary: George Roy Hill's adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's whimsical antiwar black comedy-an immensely popular novel at the time of the film's release because of its implicit condemnation of the war in Vietnam-stars Michael Sacks as the placid Billy Pilgrim. He's become 'unstuck in time', as the author describes him, or more prosaically, he's had a nervous breakdown as a result of a recurrence of the trauma of witnessing the horrific Allied firebombing of Dresden in 1945. The desultory narrative has Billy jumping from his war experience to his future on the planet Tralfamadore with the buxom Montana Wildhack (Valerie Perrine), then to an episode of shock therapy, then to an episode in his childhood, and then to his life as a relatively unhappy suburban optometrist. Throughout, the naive Billy remains a curious mixture of kindness and detachment, the best combination of qualities one could have, the author seems to imply, for surviving in a world of meaningless suffering. Vonnegut's novel may be unfilmable, and Hill may have been too cautious a choice as director, but he does a good job of conveying many of the qualities of the author's elusive style. Michael Sacks possesses the requisite air of innocence for his role, and Ron Liebman gives a great performance as a choleric fellow G.I.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Billy Pilgrim (Michael Sacks) has a problem with time: he keeps jumping about in his own life, principally between three key scenes. The "present" is a kind of glowing suburban bliss involving a dutiful wife, large house, and presidency of the local Lions; the "past" is being a prisoner of World War II and experiencing the firebombing of Dresden from the wrong side; the "future" takes place in a glass dome on the planet Tralfamadore, to which Billy has been mysteriously spirited along with the woman of his fantasies (Montana Wildhack, played by Valerie Perrine). It isn't meant to make too much sense, since the point is to represent a man (and a century) that has witnessed things too unbearable for a wholly sane person to make sense of. In fact author Kurt Vonnegut's anguished cry on the insanity of war is one of those completely unfilmable books, so director George Roy Hill gets points even for trying. The whole package is thought provoking in a wholly Vonnegutian way. All this, and Glenn Gould playing Bach as well. --Richard Farr

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1972
Release Date: April 3, 2006
Runtime: 98 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 824 207 4
Keywords: Five, General, Fiction, Science, Slaughterhouse, Horror, Sci, Fi
Genre: Science Fiction

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