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Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Keith Carradine, Powers Boothe, Fred Ward, T.K. Carter, Peter Coyote, Lewis Smith, Franklyn Seales, Peter Coyote

Director: Walter Hill

Summary: Dramatic story of antagonism and revenge in the Louisiana Everglades where a group of national Guardsmen on routine exercise fall foul of French-speaking Cajun Indians.

A group of National Guardsmen are performing routine training exercises in the boggy swamplands of the Louisiana bayou. They are all fairly new to the game and without live ammunition, but in their carelessness and cockiness they offend some of the locals by firing blanks at them. The angry Cajuns fight back for their turf and pride in a conflict that escalates to terrifying guerilla warfare and serves as an allegory of America's involvement in the Vietnam War.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Southern Comfortis more than merely Deliverancein the Louisiana Bayou. Walter Hill's taut little tale of weekend warrior National Guardsman on swamp exercises reverberates with echoes of Vietnam. Powers Booth brings a hard pragmatism to the "new guy" in the unit, a Texas transplant less than thrilled with his new unit. "They're just Louisiana versions of the same rednecks I served with in El Paso", he tells level-headed Keith Carradine.

The barely functional unit of city boys and macho rednecks invade the environs of the local Cajun trappers and poachers, "borrowing" the locals' boats and sending bursts of blank rounds over their heads in a show of contempt. Before they know it the dysfunctional strangers in a strange land are on the losing end of guerrilla war. The swamp rats kill their commanding officer (Peter Coyote) and terrorise the bickering bunch as they flee blindly through the jungle without a map, a compass, or a leader to speak of. Hill directs with a clean simplicity, creating tension as much from the primal landscape and the Cajuns' unsettling reign of terror as from the dynamics of a platoon of battle virgins tearing itself apart from rage and fear. Ry Cooder's eerie and haunting score and the primal, claustrophobic landscape only intensifies the paranoia as the city boys splinter with infighting (sparked by a bullying Fred Ward), blunder through booby traps and ambushes, and finally turn just as savage as their pursuers in their drive to survive. --Sean Axmaker, Amazon.com

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1981
Release Date: January 15, 2001
Runtime: 107 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 078 030 2
Keywords: Action, General, Comfort, Southern, Adventure
Genre: Action/Adventure

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