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Spirit, The

Spirit, The

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Dan Lauria, Samuel L. Jackson, Gabriel Macht, Paz Vega, Scarlett Johansson, Jaime King, Eva Mendes, Sarah Paulson

Director: Frank Miller

Summary: After the success of SIN CITY, Frank Miller directs another graphic novel adaptation with WILL EISNER'S THE SPIRIT. Gabriel Macht (THE GOOD SHEPHERD) is the Spirit, a man who resurrects from the dead to battle crime in Central City. Among his foes is the Octopus (Samuel L. Jackson), a man who wants to live forever and is willing to destroy the Spirit's beloved town. Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson co-star.

Based on Will Eisner's classic 1940s and '50s comic series and written and directed by his acolyte Frank Miller, THE SPIRIT follows the adventures of the crimefighter of the title (Gabriel Macht), a former cop mysteriously brought back from the dead. Hiding his identity as Denny Colt behind a mask and a fedora, the Spirit, now seemingly indestructible, protects his beloved Central City from his mortal enemy, the Octopus (Samuel L. Jackson), while contending with the many women in his life, including the doting Ellen Dolan (Sarah Paulson) and the dangerous Sand Seref (Eva Mendes).

Credited with co-helming the film adaptation of his renowned SIN CITY comics (with Robert Rodriguez), Miller turns to one of his primary influences for his solo directorial debut. Not surprisingly, he uses the hyper-stylized SIN CITY look as a template for THE SPIRIT, allowing Eisner's pulpy vintage aesthetic to merge with SIN CITY's gritty atmosphere. Macht is well cast as the brooding Spirit, who has a habit of talking to himself at length, while Jackson gleefully chews scenery and burns through costume changes as the quirky, egg-obsessed Octopus. Although Paulson, Mendes, Scarlett Johansson, and others are largely relegated to "Bond girl" status, they play their roles with declarative verve, making THE SPIRIT an enjoyably campy addition to the pantheon of comic-book movies.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk One of television’s best kept secrets, Mock The Week stands aside from the ongoing collection of panel quiz games by being both very, very funny, and consistently keeping its standards high.

The format certainly helps. Based on the principle of two teams going head to head in a quiz based on the week’s happenings, Mock The Week then promptly rips up the textbook by introducing all sorts of madness. Improvisation? Yup. A bit of role play? Yup. Lots of laughs? Absolutely. In short, take something like Have I Got News For You, mix in some elements of Whose Line Is It Anyway? and add in some incredibly funny panelists, and this gem of a show is the end result.

What really makes it though is not just the format, but the panelists themselves. Hosted by one of the funniest men on the planet, Dara O’Briain, Mock The Week then brings in the likes of Hugh Dennis, Russell Howard and the gut-wrenchingly funny Frankie Boyle. The mixture is perfect, and the show simply superb.

What’s more, this surprisingly lengthy DVD also brings in lots of material that even hardened fans of the show won’t have seen before. That surely makes Mock the Week: Too Hot For TV one of the must-have comedy discs of the last few years. And given the consistently high quality of the show, be prepared for more releases in the future too. Bring them on… --Simon Brew

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 2008
Release Date: May 25, 2009
Runtime: 98 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: L G D 94143
Keywords: Action, English, General, Spirit, Adventure
Genre: Action/Adventure

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