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Strike (Subtitled)

Strike (Subtitled)

Parental Guidance.Info Stars: Maxim Shtraukh, Grigori Alexandrov, Mikhail Gomorov

Director: Sergei Eisenstein

Summary: Sergei Eisenstein's first film, and one that stands out in the history of cinema, containing many of the montage ideas for which he became justly famous. The story follows a revolt in a factory, and its murderous suppression. Russian dialogue with subtitles.

Sergei Eisenstein's first film is, without doubt, one of the most astonishing debuts in film history. His introduction of dialectical montage--which included then-innovative shock cuts to such violent images as a raised club, a bloody face, and a bull's throat being cut--both disturbed and galvanized contemporary audiences. Combined with the expressionistic compositional style Eisenstein had absorbed from French and German films, it established its director as a new force in world cinema. Commissioned by the government to commemorate the first, failed Bolshevik revolution, the film covers a 1912 strike at a metalworks factory whose workers have been bullied and humiliated by the plant management. When a fired worker commits suicide, the workers organize a peaceful strike. But the plant bosses make use of agents provocateurs and eventually bring in the czar's troops, who crack down on the strikers with maximum brutality. Aside from his editing innovations, Eisenstein pioneered the concept of the collective group as a character, influenced by the example of the newly formed Soviet Union, as well as the Constructivist art of the period.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk With sidesplitting dialogue and rampant profanity, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Backreunites Kevin Smith's dynamic duo in supreme lowbrow style. It's the fifth comedy in Smith's celebrated New Jersey "trilogy". Here Quick-Stop potheads Jay (Jason Mewes) and Silent Bob (Smith) wreak vengeance on Hollywood, where Miramax is making a "Bluntman &Chronic" feature inspired by J and SB, but without their permission. En route from Jersey to La La Land, Jay and his "hetero lifemate" encounter sexy jewel thieves (including the delightful Shannon Elizabeth), a precocious orang-utan, a dimwit wildlife marshal (Will Ferrell), and a non-stop parade of in-jokes, harmless (yet controversial) gay jokes, and splendid celebrity cameos. While gently biting the Miramax hand that feeds him, and paying affectionate homage to the Star Warssaga, Smith sheds all inhibitions to give Jay and Silent Bob a stellar send off that's nasty, sassy and undeniably hilarious. --Jeff Shannon

Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Full Frame
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive Menus
Year: 1924
Release Date: July 17, 2000
Runtime: 95 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: E K A 40019
Keywords: Subtitled, General, Strike, Toward, Russian, Drama, Historical, Dictatorship, Proletariat, Stachka
Genre: Drama

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