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Super Troopers (Wide Screen)

Super Troopers (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Kevin Heffernan, Jay Chandrasekhar, Paul Soter, Steve Lemme, Brian Cox

Director: Jay Chandrasekhar

Summary: A group of four Vermont state troopers enjoy the easy life at work, but when the force is affected by budget cuts the boys find themselves having to uphold the law to prove their worth...

Broken Lizard, a comedy troupe formed by former students of Colgate University, wrote and star in the enjoyably lightweight comedy SUPER TROOPERS. They play state troopers who preside over a quiet stretch of highway in Vermont. The low crime rate allows them time to pursue their own interests--mostly playing elaborate pranks on each other and on the hapless speeders they stop. Their captain, O'Hagan (Brian Cox), asks them to settle down for a while, because the governor (an amusing cameo by TV's former WONDER WOMAN, Lynda Carter) is thinking of cutting off their funding and turning their precious highway over to the jurisdiction of the hated local cops, headed by the sneaky Chief Grady (Daniel Von Bargen). The wild and not very bright troops are unable to stay out of trouble, so they'll only keep their jobs if they somehow manage to crack a big drug case. Director Jay Chandrasekhar (who also stars as the smartest trooper, Thorny) does a great job of keeping things quick and light, and the easy camaraderie of the Broken Lizard troupe gives even the grossest humor in the film an appealingly playful quality, harkening back to the innocent days of movies like STRIPES.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Super Troopersis a dumb-and-dumber cop comedy starring the members of comedy quintet Broken Lizard, which will no doubt be unfamiliar to the majority of audiences this side of the Atlantic. Although don't let that put you off what is a no-brainer, but often very funny cop caper. The bungling patrolmen are of course hopelessly inept at solving real police work and instead spend more time battling with their nasty rivals in another police force. But when budget cuts loom, the boys have to become real cops for once to prove their worth, not just to their frustrated and long suffering boss but to each other.

The gags come thick and fast and the sheer enthusiasm and timing of the cast ensure that, although very old fashioned in its comedic sensibilities, it remains a consistently entertaining and stupid in equal measure. Watch out also for a small cameo by formers 70's super heroine Lynda Wonder WomanCarter as the mayor.

On the DVD:Super Troopersis packed with extras that belie its limited run and modest success at the box office. There are two commentaries by cast and director, 17 outtakes with optional commentary that are as good as anything that made the final cut and a trailer. The Dolby 5.1 mix is sharp and often loud, and the picture quality on the whole very good. --Jon Weir

Aspect Ratio: 1.85 Wide Screen, 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Feature Length Commentary By Kevin Heffernan Steve Lemme And Paul Soter, Feature Length Commentary By Jay Chandrasekhar And Erik Stolhanske, Outtakes, Extended Scenes, Alternate Ending, Road Trip News Wrap, International Theatrical Trailer
Year: 2001
Release Date: April 21, 2003
Runtime: 96 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 22969 D V D
Keywords: Comedy, Broken, General, Wide, Screen, Super, Troopers, Lizard's
Genre: Comedy

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