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Sweeney - Golden Fleece/The Trojan Bus, The

Sweeney - Golden Fleece/The Trojan Bus, The

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Garfield Morgan, John Thaw, Dennis Waterman

Summary: Features two episodes of the classic cop show THE SWEENEY; 'Golden Fleece' and 'The Trojan Bus'.

Features two episodes of the classic cop show THE SWEENEY; 'Golden Fleece' and 'The Trojan Bus'. They're a classic detective double act, John Thaw is the mature, serious and irritable Regan, while his young partner, Dennis Waterman, is the cheeky cockney Carter who's a hit with the ladies. Part of London's Sweeney Todd--the Flying Squad (rhyming slang)--they're called upon to raid villains' homes, particularly when there are semi-clad ladies involved. Regan and Carter face violent clashes and often use firearms and illegal methods to get an arrest. Undoubtedly influenced by movies like GET CARTER, this acclaimed, gritty and notably realistic TV series--where police work is not glamorised and the effects on personal relationships of the committed coppers is all too clear--still has resonance, but at the same time is of its time.

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Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive menu
Year: 1976
Release Date: January 15, 2007
Runtime: 100 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 7955000
Keywords: Golden, Action, English, Bus, Sweeney, Trojan, Adventure, Fleece
Genre: Action/Adventure

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