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Terminator 3 - Rise Of The Machines

Terminator 3 - Rise Of The Machines

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl, Claire Danes, Kristinna Loken, David Andrews

Director: Jonathon Mostow

Summary: John Connor has been living in fear of the events that haunted his early years. T-X, the most powerful machine from Skynet is sent from the future to kill Connor and the woman that he will eventually marry. In order to protect Connor The Human Resistance sends a new machine, the T-101 and together they must defeat T-X to ensure the safety of the human race...

Returning for a third bout of cyborg time travelling, Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his good-robot role from TERMINATOR 2, once again travelling back from the future to protect future human resistance leader John Connor (played this time around by Nick Stahl). We soon discover that Connor has become something of a drifter, his mother Sarah Connor has passed away, and he has taken to the road in order to preserve himself for his supposed destiny. When Connor breaks into a lab to score some painkillers, he unwittingly runs into his future belle Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), and a whole load of titanium-plated-trouble in the form of a hot female Terminator played by newcomer Kristanna Loken. Hell-bent on destroying Connor, Brewster, and anyone else that gets in her way, Loken's Terminator comes face to face with Schwarzenegger's Terminator leading to some epic battles between the two cyborgs, and a neat string of one-liners from Schwarzenegger.
Director Jonathan Mostow (U-571) clearly relishes upping the CGI ante for this explosive sequel, providing some no-holds-barred action sequences. Mostow also offers intriguing storylines continued from the previous two films, delighting fans of the franchise. In the chaotic final sequences Schwarzenegger warns "she'll be back," hinting that there's more Terminator frenzy to come in the not-too-distant future.

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Aspect Ratio: 2.40 Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Arnold Intro Featurette, Director and Cast Commentary, Director Commentary
Year: 2003
Release Date: June 16, 2008
Runtime: 104 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: C 8237301
Keywords: Action, Two, Machines, General, Wide, Screen, Rise, Terminator, Adventure, Discs
Genre: Action/Adventure

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