Frank Vincent,
Vincent Pastore,
Danny Provenzano,
James Caan
Danny Provenzano
Summary: This mob picture comes with a high pedigree: director, co-writer and star Danny Provenzano (VAMPIRE VIXENS FROM VENUS) is a bit of a mobster in real life; he's pleaded guilty to racketeering, and his great uncle is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. In his directorial debut, Provenzano brings gritty authority to his tale of mobsters using computers for the ultimate heist. Looking to 'earn his nut' with the organization, Nick (Provenzano) and two buddies orchestrate a complex way of skimming money off the top of global online bank transfers via the internet. Unfortunately, they need to raise $50,000 to get it off the ground, and so they turn to the old-school mafia guys for the cash, in the process dragging them kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Naturally, once the billions start piling up, betrayal, greed, and a lot of blood and gunfire follow. The film benefits from a nicely mixed cast of fresh-picked, off-the-mean-streets newcomers and familiar mob movie faces like James Caan (GODFATHER), Vincent Pastore (SOPRANOS), Frank Vincent (GOODFELLAS), and comedian Pat Cooper (ANALYZE THIS). The tough-talk dialogue is diverting, with nice use of Tarantino-esque pop culture references. Provenzano infuses the film with a perfectly seedy ambience.