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Tommy (Collectors Edition) (Various Artists)

Tommy (Collectors Edition) (Various Artists)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Oliver Reed, Ann-Margret, Roger Daltrey, Elton John, Paul Nicholas, Jack Nicholson, Robert Powell, Tina Turner

Director: Ken Russell

Summary: This is the story of a boy who is stricken with conversion hysteria as a result of witnessing the murder of his father. In an attempt to return to normality he tries several rather bizarre cures. Classic rock opera.

Director Ken Russell's vibrant, hyperactive version of the Who's classic rock opera tells the story of a boy (Roger Daltrey) rendered deaf, dumb, and blind by the sight of his father's murder. His psychedelic journey through a maze of abusive relatives and strange "cures" eventually leads to enlightenment and sainthood. The film is based on guitarist Pete Townshend's stage opera, and features a star-studded cast that includes Ann-Margret, Oliver Reed, Elton John, Jack Nicholson, and Tina Turner.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Americans love the underdog. Anytime someone is beating the odds, fighting his or her way to the top, like The Little Engine That Could, it resonates well with U.S. audiences; it's in their nature. Sylvester Stallone knew that in 1976, when Rockywas a monstrous hit and established itself in the American cultural lexicon. His low-budget tale of a young boxer who came from the slums of Philadelphia and worked his way to the championship recalls Capra characters such as Mr. Smith or John Doe as he worked his way to fame and self-respect. Like Capra's films from 30 years before, Rockypushed emotional buttons with audiences, but in a somewhat less maudlin, obvious way; it's possible to enjoy Rockywithout feeling embarrassed about it, even in these cynical times. It ranks respectably among the best boxing pictures, such as The Set-Upor Somebody Up There Likes Me. The story paralleled Stallone's own, from a relative unknown to a star with one breakthrough picture. Rocky II(1979) carries on the story line, playing on the rivalry between Rocky Balboa and nemesis Apollo Creed, while Balboa's wife fights for her life. Mainly, though, the sequel seems like a link between the first film and Rocky III, in which an aging Rocky takes on big, bad Clubber Lang (the near-forgotten Mr. T). While playing on the same emotional capital as the first movie, Rocky IIIis the high-water mark of the sequels; by the next movie, Stallone had turned into a near-self-parody of the original character. Rocky IVfinds the underdog taking on an oversized, blond Russian boxer (Dolph Lundgren) in a cold war scenario (Rocky literally wraps himself in the American flag). The series mercifully played out by 1990, as embarrassingly punch-drunk as the Rocky character himself by that point. Given the way the American pop-culture continuum seems to work, it's probably due time for the later sequels to be plucked from the compost heap of '80s flotsam and revived as high camp; the Reagan-era hyperpatriotism of Rocky IVis as dated as in junk like Red Dawnor the dreadful Invasion U.S.A.Still, the first three films pack a satisfying emotional wallop without giving the viewer the urge to crawl under the couch. The last two... well, use your judgment. They will soon be good for an '80s nostalgia party. --Jerry Renshaw, Amazon.com

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1975
Release Date: June 14, 2004
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: O D X 20290
Keywords: Music, Who, Films, Movie, Edition, Collectors, Shows, Tommy, Performing, Musicals, Arts
Genre: Music/Performing Arts

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