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Torn Curtain

Torn Curtain

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Paul Newman, Julie Andrews, Lila Kedrova, Peter Lorre, Ludwig Donath, Hansjorg Felmy, David Opatoshu, Tamara Toumanova

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Summary: Is the scientist attending an international convention with his fiancee about to defect?...

TORN CURTAIN was Alfred Hitchcock's 50th film and signals a return to the espionage-romance theme the director showcased in such films as SECRET AGENT and THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Hitchcock created a distinct look for the film, subduing lighting and gauzing the lens to give a more natural, less studio-produced feel. Notably, it was the strength of studio influence that contributed another change in the look of the film relative to most Hitchcock pictures, casting leads that departed from traditional Hitchcock types. Paul Newman and Julie Andrews, both at the heights of their popularity when the film was released, anchor this cold war spy thriller. An American scientist (Newman) attends a convention in Copenhagen with his fiancee-assistant (Andrews). While there, she picks up a message meant for him and is drawn into a complex web of espionage behind the Iron Curtain that he had intended to face alone. Her presence throws all his plans into disarray, and the two lovers discover too late that it's easier to get in than to get out again. In one of the film's most memorable scenes, Hitchcock shows his audience just how difficult murder can be when opposed by the will for survival.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Paul Newman and Julie Andrews star in Torn Curtain, what must unfortunately be called one of Alfred Hitchcock's lesser efforts. Still, sub-par Hitchcock is better than a lot of what's out there, and this one is well worth a look. Newman plays cold-war physicist Michael Armstrong, while Andrews plays his lovely assistant-and-fiancée Sarah Sherman. Armstrong has been working on a missile defence system that will "make nuclear defence obsolete", and naturally both sides are very interested. All Sarah cares about is the fact that Michael has been acting awfully fishy lately. The suspense of Torn Curtainis by nature not as thrilling as that in the average Hitchcock film--much of it involves sitting still and wondering if the bad guys are getting closer. Still, Hitchcock manages to amuse himself: there is some beautifully clever camera work and an excruciating sequence that illustrates the frequent Hitchcock point that death is not a tidy business. --Ali Davis

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1966
Release Date: October 17, 2005
Runtime: 123 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 823 620 7
Keywords: General, Torn, Curtain, Thriller
Genre: Thriller

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