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What The Bleep Do We Know!?

What The Bleep Do We Know!?

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, John Ross Bowie

Director: Betsy Chasse

Summary: Applying basic principles of quantum physics to human psychology, this film consists largely of interviews with experts in related fields, who pose existential questions and answer them with theories of endless possibilities. They explain that reality is only as we define it, that matter is permeable, and that experiences in life should be approached as controllable by the human mind. Opening doors to broad ideas--that we could exist simultaneously in many realities, that we could be in multiple places at once, that we could observe ourselves from outside our bodies, that time travels backwards and forwards--experts encourage positive thinking and open-mindedness. A situational plot involving a deaf photographer who is assigned to work at a Polish wedding serves to illustrate how the theories discussed could be applied to everyday experiences. Meanwhile, intense sequences of computer animation offer illustrations of outer space, the neural functions in our brains, the way that various hormones work, and even some funny Jello-like characters representing chemical reactions in our bodies. A raucous soundtrack of 1980s tunes--Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love, and Animotion's Obsession among them--adds to a jarringly dynamic score. For viewers who gravitate toward New Age theories of enlightenment and self-knowledge, or those who enjoyed the sci-fi plotlines of television series like STAR TREK, QUANTUM LEAP, and WITCHBLADE, this film will be a welcome addition to their library.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk What the Bleep Do We Know?is a lecture on mysticism and science mixed into a sort-of narrative. Marlee Matlin stars in the dramatic thread, about a sourpuss photographer who begins to question her perceptions. Interviews with quantum physics experts and New Age authors are cut into this story, offering a vaguely convincing (and certainly mind-provoking) theory about... well, actually, it sounds a lot like the Power of Positive Thinking, when you get down to it. Talking heads (not identified until film's end) include JZ Knight, who appears in the movie channeling Ramtha, the ancient sage she claims communicates through her (other speakers are also associated with Knight's organization). What she says actually makes pretty good common sense--Ramtha's wiggier notions are not included--and would be easy to accept were it not being credited to a 35,000-year-old mystic from Atlantis. --Robert Horton, Amazon.com

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Release Date: September 26, 2005
Runtime: 200 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: R E V D 1868
Keywords: Know, Two, General, What, Bleep, We, Drama, Discs
Genre: Drama

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