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Whole Story, The: Elephants And Lions

Whole Story, The: Elephants And Lions

Summary: Elephants are a mix of intelligence, dexterity and power but they can be most endearing. Lions are killing machines but also can be gentle, caring and affectionate.

WILDLIFE STORIES ventures into Africa to study the habits of two majestic creatures, elephants and lions. In addition to the information on the pachyderm and its versatile trunk, there is also a segment included about "floppy trunk syndrome," a new virus believed to be caused by toxins sprayed on plants. The lions portion includes both tales of beastly power as well as the loving, nurturing side of the wild kingdom's largest cat.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 0
Special Features: Scene Index
Year: 2001
Release Date: August 12, 2002
Runtime: 105 minutes
Certification: Exempt.
Catalogue Number: 82265
Keywords: World, Action, Story, Comedy, Lions, Living, Elephants, Universe, History, Natural, Whole, Adventure
Genre: Living World/Universe

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