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Wristcutters - A Love Story

Wristcutters - A Love Story

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Shannyn Sossamon, Will Arnett, Patrick Fugit

Director: Goran Dukic

Summary: After a rough breakup, Zia decides to off himself by slashing open his wrists. Instead of waking up in heaven or hell, Zia arrives in a bland world that looks a lot like the one he just left, though with far less colour, life, and--obviously--happiness.

If a film begins with a suicide, chances are, it won’t be the feel-good movie of the year. But WRISTCUTTERS: A LOVE STORY is surprisingly sweet and funny even as it proudly features a dark streak that lives up to its title. After a rough breakup, Zia (Patrick Fugit) decides to off himself by slashing open his wrists. Instead of waking up in heaven or hell, Zia arrives in a bland world that looks a lot like the one he just left, though with far less colour, life, and--obviously--happiness. In this afterlife reserved for suicides, no one can smile, and the sky is a starless void. But when Zia hears that his ex-girlfriend (Leslie Bibb) has killed herself and lives in his world, he sets out on a road trip to find her. Joined by Russian musician Eugene (Shea Whigham) and pretty hitchhiker Mikal (Shannyn Sossamon), Zia crosses the desolate landscape and encounters a variety of strange characters. With the help of Mikal, Zia realizes that maybe his ex-girlfriend isn’t really what he’s looking for.

Most films don't stray from prescribed genres or simple plots, but this dark comedy from director Goran Dukic is audacious in its originality. Dukic adapted Etgar Keret's short story 'Kneller’s Happy Campers' into a film that succeeds on every level. His cast, particularly Fugit and a brilliant Tom Waits in a supporting role, is worthy of the excellent material and blackly comic dialogue. Though it could be described as a romantic comedy, this film is far closer to ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND than SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE. WRISTCUTTERS’s soundtrack is also something to sing about with several infectious tracks from Gogol Bordello and a pitch-perfect score from Bobby Johnston.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 2007
Release Date: March 23, 2009
Runtime: 84 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: U N A 006 D V D
Keywords: Love, Story, English, General, Drama, Wristcutters
Genre: Drama

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