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Xena - Warrior Princess - Series 1 Vol.1

Xena - Warrior Princess - Series 1 Vol.1

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Melinda Clarke, Jay Laga'aia

Director: Harley Cokliss

Summary: Adventures with the Warrior Princess whose mission is to free the innocent from tyranny. Features the episodes 'Sins Of The Past', 'Hooves And Harlots', 'The Black Wolf', 'Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts', 'Athens City Academy Of The Performing Bards', 'A Fistful Of Dinars', 'Warrior...Princess', 'Mortal Beloved', 'The Royal Copule Of Thieves', 'The Pridigal', 'Altered States' and 'Chariots Of War'.

This collection presents the first 12 episodes of the action-packed fantasy series, XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS. Embarking on a misson of vengeance after her village is burned and her brother is killed, raven-haired warrior Xena (Lucy Lawless) learns to focus her strength and skill for the good of humankind. The fierce fighter is joined in her adventures by the blonde, optimistic Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor). This box set features the episodes "Sins of the Past," "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts," "Warrior...Princess," "Mortal Beloved," "The Royal Couple of Thieves," "Chariots of War," and six more.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Xena--you gotta love her: after all, she could snap your neck just by straightening her knees. She sprang fully armed from producer Sam Raimi's head in March 1995, to flesh out an otherwise routine episode of the television series Hercules, a high-kicking, horse-riding, chakram-throwing ancient-Greek-warrior princess, who mustered armies the way some women shop for shoes, turning heroes against one another as gleefully as she laid waste to sweet little villages.

Except that somewhere beneath that straight dark fringe and hard-boiled leather breastplate lurks doubts, feelings, even a soul. She was so popular on Herculesher spin-off was an instant certainty--and pretty soon the subtext of her own series was unfolding. Xena is on a journey from evil to good, but this can only be enabled by the companionship of bossy redhead scribe/bard, Gabrielle, her constant friend. Set in a lush New Zealand doubling for the pagan Mediterranean, as misruled by Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon and the rest of the Mount Olympus gang, Xena: Warrior Princessrecounts these exploits, as the duo confronts gods, monsters, warlords, idiots and anachronisms, as well as their own flaws and desires, at the hilarious and sometimes unsettling mythological crossroads where touchy-feely Californian feminism meets high-camp chop-socky pantheism seasoned with the Way of Peplum Tao.

In the second series (first aired US 1996-97) Xena and Gabrielle (plus goofy sidekick the Joxer) meet the Fates, the (surprisingly Gothic) Bacchae, Ulysses, Cupid, Goliath, Santa Claus and (perhaps) the baby Jesus, as well as full-on Xena foe Julius Caesar and her former healer-mentor M'Lila. While filming this series, Xena actress Lucy Lawless was thrown by a horse on Tonight with Jay Leno, and injured: hence a sudden slew of swapped-body stories (Callisto, Autolycus and Gabrielle each have to mimic Xena for an episode), while domestic comedy and/or parody stories contribute to the medically advisable action-lite plotlines. Meanwhile, Callisto murders Gabrielle's hubby-to-be, and the narrative tension deepens. --Honey Glass

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1995
Release Date: September 17, 2001
Runtime: 507 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 078 664 2
Keywords: Action, Princess, Two, Box, General, Series, Three, Fantasy, Warrior, Set, Tv, Adventure, Discs, Xena
Genre: Action/Adventure

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