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Albert Finney Film Star

Albert Finney Film Star

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Agatha Christie Collection, The
Agatha Christie Collection, The


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Annie/Annie 2 - A Royal Adventure/Oliver (Box Set) (Various Artists)
Annie/Annie 2 - A Royal Adventure/Oliver (Box Set) (Various Artists)

Contains the musicals ANNIE, ANNIE 2 - A ROYAL ADVENTURE, and OLIVER, all of which follow the adventures of an orphaned child.

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Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)
Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)

Features the action-packed Jason Bourne thrillers THE BOURNE IDENTITY, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

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Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)
Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)

Features the action-packed Jason Bourne thrillers THE BOURNE IDENTITY, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

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Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)
Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)

Features the action-packed Jason Bourne thrillers THE BOURNE IDENTITY, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

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Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)
Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Box Set)

Features the action-packed Jason Bourne thrillers THE BOURNE IDENTITY, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

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Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Limited Edition) (Box Set)
Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum, The (Ultimate Bourne Collection) (Limited Edition) (Box Set)

Features the action-packed Jason Bourne thrillers THE BOURNE IDENTITY, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, and THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

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Bourne Ultimatum, The
Bourne Ultimatum, The

Jason Bourne searches for his own identity after a bout of amnesia, leading him on a globe-trekking trip in which he must avoid the zinging bullets of cops and assassins who are out to stop him before he uncovers the truth.

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Bourne Ultimatum, The
Bourne Ultimatum, The

Jason Bourne searches for his own identity after a bout of amnesia, leading him on a globe-trekking trip in which he must avoid the zinging bullets of cops and assassins who are out to stop him before he uncovers the truth.

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Bourne Ultimatum, The
Bourne Ultimatum, The

Jason Bourne searches for his own identity after a bout of amnesia, leading him on a globe-trekking trip in which he must avoid the zinging bullets of cops and assassins who are out to stop him before he uncovers the truth.

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Browning Version, The
Browning Version, The

A classics teacher near to retirement looks back at his career and realises that he failed to inspire his charges with his love of classical literature. Based on the novel by Terence Rattigan.

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Charlie Bubbles
Charlie Bubbles

Directed by and starring Albert Finney, CHARLIE BUBBLES tells the story of a working class man who has become a successful writer. He visits his estranged wife and son. CHARLIES BUBBLES sees the feature film debut of Liza Minnelli.

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Coen Brothers Collection - Fargo/Raising Arizona/Miller's Crossing (Box Set)
Coen Brothers Collection - Fargo/Raising Arizona/Miller's Crossing (Box Set)

Features three films by the acclaimed Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. Includes FARGO, RAISING ARIZONA, and MILLER'S CROSSING.

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Good Year, A
Good Year, A

London banker Max Skinner is a cutthroat workaholic who cares only about winning and making money. Max is surprised to learn that his favourite uncle has passed away and as his closest living relative, he is set to inherit his estate. Max heads to...

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Oliver!/Annie (Deluxe Edition) (Box Set) (Various Artists)
Oliver!/Annie (Deluxe Edition) (Box Set) (Various Artists)

A musical double feature about the stories of two orphans: OLIVER! is based on the Charles Dickens classic Oliver Twist and ANNIE, based on the stage-play by Carol Sobieski.

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