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Austin Pendleton Film Star

Austin Pendleton Film Star

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Amistad (Wide Screen)
Amistad (Wide Screen)

The story of the journey made by a group of African slaves who take control of their slave ship in an attempt to travel back home. But the ship is retaken and they are sent to America where they stand trial for murder. The fight is now for a man's...

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Guarding Tess
Guarding Tess

She's a cantankerous former First Lady living in a sleepy Ohio town. He's her Secret Service bodyguard in the worst assignment of all time. Tempers soon flare as she also expects him to be her servant... but these unlikely adversaries eventually a...

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Guarding Tess
Guarding Tess

She's a cantankerous former First Lady living in a sleepy Ohio town. He's her Secret Service bodyguard in the worst assignment of all time. Tempers soon flare as she also expects him to be her servant... but these unlikely adversaries eventually a...

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Mirror Has Two Faces, The (Wide Screen)
Mirror Has Two Faces, The (Wide Screen)

Based on Andre Cayatte's 1958 film LE MIROIR A DEUX FACES, THE MIRROR HAS TWO FACES finds Barbra Streisand directing her third motion picture, casting herself in the lead as Rose Morgan and Jeff Bridges as Professor Gregory Larkin, her foil. Morgan...

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Mr And Mrs Bridge
Mr And Mrs Bridge

Set in Kansas City in the late 1930s, MR & MRS BRIDGE tells the story of an upper class couple from the mid-west whose marriage is strained when their three grown-up children leave home. The Bridges are an affluent, conservative family whose lives...

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My Cousin Vinny
My Cousin Vinny

Two college students charged with murder in a small American town call upon their cousin Vinny in a desperate attempt to clear their names. Unfortunately cousin Vinny has only just qualified as a lawyer... on his sixth attempt..!

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Piccadilly Jim
Piccadilly Jim

A gentleman who enjoys a good time and the attention of the ladies finds he has fallen hard for the step niece of Aunt Nesta. Now his reputation hinders his lovelife so much so that he takes a false identity in the hope that he can prove himself...

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Sergeant Bilko
Sergeant Bilko

Sgt. Bilko is back and up to his old tricks. The arrival of Major Thorn threatens to put a stop to the casino, under-the-table deals and other illicit businesses...

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Short Circuit
Short Circuit

An amusing comedy tale about No. 5, a robot, who when hit by lightning, wanders away from the top secret compound at Nova Robotics. An attractive caterer discovers him and, convinced he is alive, helps protect him from the commandos who are sent to...

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Short Circuit / Flight Of The Navigator
Short Circuit / Flight Of The Navigator

In 'Short Circuit' No. 5, a robot, when hit by lightning, wanders away from the top secret compound at Nova Robotics. An attractive caterer discovers him and, convinced he is alive, helps protect him from the commandos who are sent to track him Of...

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Two Days In The Valley
Two Days In The Valley

A contract carried out by hit-men Pizzo and Woods brings about a chain of events that threatens two detectives and their investigation.

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Two Days In The Valley
Two Days In The Valley

A contract carried out by hit-men Pizzo and Woods brings about a chain of events that threatens two detectives and their investigation.

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What's Up Doc / Up The Sandbox / Nuts / The Main Event
What's Up Doc / Up The Sandbox / Nuts / The Main Event

In 'What's Up Doc' we find an affectionate pastiche on some of the madcap slapstick comedies of the 30's and 40's. 'Up The Sandbox' is the story of how one woman's fantasy life helps her survive the bittersweet world of men, marriage, and 'Nuts' of...

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