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After a young bullfighter is injured, the bull responsible is killed. The animal is dismembered, it's body parts parcelled up and dispatched across Europe. The story then follows the various parts of the bull as it's bones go to a supermarket where...
Ismael finds himself at the centre of a manage-a-trois with his long-time girlfriend, Julie and a work colleague called Alice but it's not long before fate intervenes, turning in motion a set of profound changes that will ultimately affect all...
Arnaud Desplechin's blackly comic A CHRISTMAS TALE centres around a Vuillard family get-together in which estranged son Henri (Mathieu Amalric) returns. His mother, Junon (Catherine Deneuve), has cancer, and Henri may be the bone marrow donor match...
An almost-thirty junior professor can't follow through with his career, his dissertation, or his foundering ten-year love relationship, and he covets everything around him, from a colleague's full professorship to his best friend's girlfriend. A a...
Based on the last volume of the masterwork of Marcel Proust 'Remembrance Of Things Past'. French dialogue.
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