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Clara Bellar Film Star

Clara Bellar Film Star

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A.I. - Artificial Intelligence
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence

David is a robot built to resemble a real child in a world where all coastal cities have drowned due to the melting of the polar ice caps. His love for his 'mother' is strong until her real son returns after a cure is found for a previously...

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Dominion - Prequel To The Exorcist
Dominion - Prequel To The Exorcist

Hollywood is littered with stories of aborted attempts at moviemaking, with many directors finding themselves unceremoniously ousted from a project when a studio gets cold feet and rejects their work. Writer-director Paul Schrader (AUTO FOCUS) in a...

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Romance And Rejection
Romance And Rejection

Mike, a talented musician, is on a quest to find true love but has had somewhat of a disastrous love life in the past. However, things take an unexpected turn when two beautiful women enter Mike's life which ultimate leads to him to believe that a...

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