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Claudia Christian Film Star

Claudia Christian Film Star

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Babylon 5 - In The Beginning
Babylon 5 - In The Beginning

The early days of life aboard Babylon 5 seen through the eyes of the elderly Centauri Emperor Londo Mollari.

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Babylon 5 - The Complete Universe
Babylon 5 - The Complete Universe

In 1994 STAR TREK had to take a backseat to this science-fiction series, created by Michael Straczynski. The Babylon 5 space station has become an interplanetary peaceful negotiation centre in the 23rd Century. Humans and aliens attempt to settle a...

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Danielle Steel's Kaleidoscope
Danielle Steel's Kaleidoscope

Three sisters become separated after their parents' murder and suicide. The two younger girls are adopted by loving couples but the eldest girl, Hilary, is left to suffer abuse and poverty in a series of foster homes. A private detective is sent to...

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Haunting Of Hell House, The
Haunting Of Hell House, The

James Farrow pressurises his girlfriend in into having an illegal abortion that results in her death. Filled with feelings of guilt he finds himself back at the home of a professor who is himself troubled by the spirit of his daughter in a house of...

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Hidden, The
Hidden, The

As law-abiding citizens mysteriously go on looting and killing sprees, an LA Cop learns from an alien masquerading as an F.B.I. agent that unfriendly aliens are inhabiting these innocent Earthlings' bodies. A surpisingly inventive and witty film.

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Nightmare Boulevard
Nightmare Boulevard

While a serial killer keeps the city in the grip of fear, Detective Perry (Ron Perlman) sets out to find the perpetrator. Meanwhile, housewife Amy Martin (Claudia Christian) becomes an aid the investigation when she reports that she is being by her...

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