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David Bowe Film Star

David Bowe Film Star

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Cinema Collection - Vol. 4 (Amaray Case)
Cinema Collection - Vol. 4 (Amaray Case)

Features eight movies. In 'Session Man' a studio guitarist is brought in to perfect the tracks recorded by a musical supergroup who are experiencing creative differences. Also features: 'Desert's Edge', 'The Last Shot', 'Without A Pass', Space', In...

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Cinema Collection - Vol. 4 (Cardboard Box)
Cinema Collection - Vol. 4 (Cardboard Box)

Features eight movies. In 'Session Man' a studio guitarist is brought in to perfect the tracks recorded by a musical supergroup who are experiencing creative differences. Also features: 'Desert's Edge', 'The Last Shot', 'Without A Pass', Space', In...

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Face/Off / The Rock / Con Air
Face/Off / The Rock / Con Air

Three features. In 'Face/Off' the ordeal of superheroic, singularly dedicated FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta) is only beginning after finally capturing his archnemesis, Castor Troy (Nicholas Cage), an elusive, maniacal terrorist who claimed a...

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Few Good Men, A (Collectors Edition) (Wide Screen)
Few Good Men, A (Collectors Edition) (Wide Screen)

A top Navy lawyer who has never even seen the inside of a courtroom is asked to look into a murder case. Two marines have been arrested for killing a fellow marine in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Both marines maintain that they were issued a Code Red - an...

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A college Dean and his wife agree to take in a lodger to cover their rising house restoration costs, but they both get more than they bargained for.

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Rock, The
Rock, The

In Michael Bay's THE ROCK, gung-ho general Francis Hummel (Ed Harris), armed with deadly chemical rockets and aided by violent cohorts, takes over the island of Alcatraz, holding 81 tourists hostage. Hummel promises to deploy the missiles over San...

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Rock, The (Deluxe Edition)
Rock, The (Deluxe Edition)

A military madman seizes control of the old Alcatraz prison and threatens to launch deadly poison gas missiles at San Francisco. Only a chemical weapons expert and an ex-prisoner, the only man to have escaped from Alcatraz, can stop him...

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Funnyman Weird Al Yankovic stars in this comedy as George Newman, a man who takes over a low-rent TV station won by his uncle in a poker game. Newman's unconventional methods for boosting ratings include giving the station's janitor his own program...

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