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Hiromi Hirata Film Star

Hiromi Hirata Film Star

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R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.1
R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.1

Anita, Maggie and Michelle are Paper Masters, who use their skills to protect an author from the clutches of a mad bomber. Their adventures continue in Tokyo...

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R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.2
R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.2

Anita, Maggie and Michelle are Paper Masters, who use their skills to protect an author from the clutches of a mad bomber. Their adventures continue in Tokyo...

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R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.3
R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.3

Intrigue continues to follow the bibliophile heroines who have the power to magically transform paper into objects that can help them save the world from crimes against books and other beloved literary endeavours. This volume features the paper - -...

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R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.4
R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.4

Anita, Maggie and Michelle are the Paper Sisters. In this volume they have to rescue Nenene by launching an attack on Dokusensha's Headquarters in Honk Kong. They have to fight against a legion of security guards with machine guns, robots that fire...

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R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.5
R.O.D. - The TV Series Vol.5

Full of clever satires of popular and classic literature, 'R.O.D.-The TV' is the follow-up to the Anime series 'Read Or Die'. The 'paper masters' - sisters Maggie, Anita, and Michelle - have total control of paper, able to manipulate it into forms...

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