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Jesus Franco Film Star

Jesus Franco Film Star

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Cannibals (aka White Cannibal Queen)
Cannibals (aka White Cannibal Queen)

Ten years after losing his daughter and watching his wife being eaten by a savage tribe of cannibals deep in the Brazilian jungle, Doctor Taylor returns determined to find his little girl--only to find her married to the tribe leader and adopted as...

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She Killed In Ecstasy (aka Mrs Hyde / Sie Totete In Exstase) (Subtitled)
She Killed In Ecstasy (aka Mrs Hyde / Sie Totete In Exstase) (Subtitled)

The story of a sadistic sex kitten who mixes blood and sex in a series of set pieces in which she castrates her male victims. German dialogue with subtitles.

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Venus In Furs
Venus In Furs

James Darren stars as Jimmy, a mixed-up trumpet player who finds the body of a beautiful woman, Wanda (Maria Rohm), washed up in the surf. He remembers her from a decadent party some years (or was it days?) before. In his flashback, she is mauled...

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