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Josh Lucas Film Star

Josh Lucas Film Star

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American Psycho
American Psycho

Patrick is a successful young career man who kills for no apparent reason. His days are spent in a normal working environment but his nights find him turning into a monster without a soul...

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Beautiful Mind, A
Beautiful Mind, A

Director Ron Howard delivers his finest effort with his extraordinary film, A BEAUTIFUL MIND, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2001. Based loosely on Sylvia Nasar's acclaimed biography of mathematician John Forbes Nash, the film is a...

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Beautiful Mind, A
Beautiful Mind, A

Based on the true story of the life of brilliant mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. Nash suffered for many years from paranoid schizophrenia and remarkably managed to fight his mental illness and go on to win the Nobel Prize.

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Beautiful Mind, A
Beautiful Mind, A

Based on the true story of the life of brilliant mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. Nash suffered for many years from paranoid schizophrenia and remarkably managed to fight his mental illness and go on to win the Nobel Prize.

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Contains the action-packed superhero comic book adaptations of HELLBOY and HULK.

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Bruce Banner is hit by a cell altering ray whilst working as part of a research team at the University of California. The result of the accident is that Bruce is transformed into a huge green creature called 'The Hulk' whenever he is angered...

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THE HULK, adapted by Ang Lee (CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON) from the Marvel comic book series, stars Eric Bana as Bruce Banner, the tormented scientist whose temper periodically transforms him into a raging green monster. Fellow scientist and a a...

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Bruce Banner is hit by a cell altering ray whilst working as part of a research team at the University of California. The result of the accident is that Bruce is transformed into a huge green creature called 'The Hulk' whenever he is angered...

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Bruce Banner is hit by a cell altering ray whilst working as part of a research team at the University of California. The result of the accident is that Bruce is transformed into a huge green creature called 'The Hulk' whenever he is angered...

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Kingdom/Jarhead/Stealth, The (Box Set)
Kingdom/Jarhead/Stealth, The (Box Set)

Contains the action films THE KINGDOM, JARHEAD, and STEALTH, all of which star Jamie Foxx.

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German-born director Wolfgang Petersen (DAS BOOT, THE PERFECT STORM) returns to the sea for POSEIDON, a gripping remake of Ronald Neame and Irwin Allen's 1972 disaster classic, THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE. As passengers celebrate New Year's Eve aboard a...

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German-born director Wolfgang Petersen (DAS BOOT, THE PERFECT STORM) returns to the sea for POSEIDON, a gripping remake of Ronald Neame and Irwin Allen's 1972 disaster classic, THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE. As passengers celebrate New Year's Eve aboard a...

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Session 9
Session 9

The Danvers State Mental Hospital closed down fifteen years ago. Now there's five strangers from the Elimination Company to clean it up. The hospital holds many secrets from its evil past...

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Shall We Dance/Sweet Home Alabama
Shall We Dance/Sweet Home Alabama

SHALL WE DANCE finds a conservative businessman enrols in a dance school after spotting a beautiful woman through its windows. Despite being naturally gifted, the businessman keeps his dance classes a secret, causing his wife to believe that he is...

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Spider-Man 3/Hulk/Ghost Rider (Box Set)
Spider-Man 3/Hulk/Ghost Rider (Box Set)

Contains three live-action adaptations of classic comic book characters. Features SPIDER-MAN 3, HULK, and GHOST RIDER.

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