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Robin Dunne Film Star

Robin Dunne Film Star

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American Psycho 2 (Wide Screen)
American Psycho 2 (Wide Screen)

The story of a college freshman who becomes a teaching assistant while developing skills as a murderer removing everyone in her way...

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Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2

Story about a stepbrother and sister and their experiences at school. Sebastian has been thrown out of many private schools and has been a bit of a rebel. He decides to turn over a new leaf and that also involves a new girlfriend. His sister, has...

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Cruel Intentions/Cruel Intentions 2/Cruel Intentions 3 (Box Set)
Cruel Intentions/Cruel Intentions 2/Cruel Intentions 3 (Box Set)

All three movies in one set, where immoral manipulation is the thrill of choice for the anti-heroes of the CRUEL INTENTIONS series.

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Skulls 2, The
Skulls 2, The

The sequel to THE SKULLS, this is the tale of Ryan Sommers, who after joining the Skulls, witnesses a murder and find that his life becomes out of control...

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Species/Species 2/Species 3/Species 4 - The Awakening (Box Set)
Species/Species 2/Species 3/Species 4 - The Awakening (Box Set)

A collection of the first four features in the erotic science fiction franchise SPECIES.

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