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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
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Des finds himself in debt to a crime boss and he can only think of one way to raise the money. The boys set out to hijack the 'Baby Juice Express'.
All eighteen episodes from the popular British sit-com of the 1990s: 'Working Girls', 'Matthew - A Suitable Case For Treatment', 'Bad Timing', 'The Great Escape', 'Big Wednesday', 'Fame', 'Roundheads And Cavaliers', 'Slime Surfers And Jissom Hard A...
All the episodes from the first series. 'Working Girls', 'Matthew - A Suitable Case For Treatment', 'Bad Timing', 'The Great Escape', 'Big Wednesday' and 'Fame'.
Features the first five episodes from the second series of the television drama. Crabbe is called in to trace an offender who is making obscene telephone calls, whilst also dealing with problems in the kitchen and at home.
Features episodes six to ten from the second series of the television drama. When her memoirs come under threat, a food writer asks Henry for his assistance, but he is left wondering whether he should leave the Force for good...
Features the complete episodes from the third series of the popular television drama. Following an accident during a pheasant shoot, it is left up to Henry to save the career of his ex-boss.
Features the complete episodes from the fourth series of the popular television show.
Arthur's only passions in life are his wife Doreen and Rugby League. When he hears about the Cobblers and their corrupt manager, Arthur bets his life savings that he can train any team to beat them. He enlists gym owner Hazel Scott to save himself...
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