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Vincent Spano Film Star

Vincent Spano Film Star

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A team of young rugby players, survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, discover that the search for them has been called off. With their food and water nearly gone their lives become a nightmare when they resort to eating their dead colleagues.

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An eccentric, brilliant scientist sets out to 'recreate' his wife who died 25-years before. To complicate matters, just when he's about to succeed he falls head-over- heels for a beautiful coed. Based on the novel by Jeremy Leven.

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Maria's Lovers
Maria's Lovers

The horrors of war haunt a World War II soldier who returns home and marries his childhood sweetheart. A compelling drama about the many wounds, physical and emotional, caused by violent social conflict.

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Over The Edge
Over The Edge

A brilliant commentary on the restlessness of America's youth. By trying to keep the 'fun' out of New Grenada, the parents are only adding fuel to the fire. When a misunderstanding causes the death of a mischievous, yet harmless, teenager, the a to...

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Prince And The Pauper, The
Prince And The Pauper, The

Tom is a normal kid who lives with his granddad but dreams of becoming a famous actor. One day, Tom goes to the set of TEEN SPY and witnesses the rumoured bad behavior of spoiled child star Eddie Tudor. The two boys switch clothes for what's to be...

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Prophecy 3, The - The Ascent
Prophecy 3, The - The Ascent

In this third installment of the PROPHECY series, the Angel of Genocide is threatening to destroy humanity. Only Danyael (Dave Buzzota), the half-human and half-angel who is protected by Archangel Gabriel (Christopher Walken), can save the world...

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Prophecy Trilogy, The
Prophecy Trilogy, The

Three features. In 'The Prophecy' there is war in heaven when Archangel Gabriel (Christopher Walken) leads a revolt to unseat the usurpers of God's chosen: Mankind. But when a homicide investigation takes a turn for the Biblical, a cop (Elias and a...

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Rumble Fish
Rumble Fish

An adaptation of S.E. Hinton's novel about two brothers whose relationship with each other and the outside world leads to both tragedy and triumph.

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Rumble Fish (Special Edition)
Rumble Fish (Special Edition)

An adaptation of S.E. Hinton's novel about two brothers whose relationship with each other and the outside world leads to both tragedy and triumph.

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Tie That Binds, The
Tie That Binds, The

A young couple adopts a young girl and the family is complete and content until the girl's biological parents, who are both ruthless criminals, show up to take the little girl back.

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Unknown Cyclist, The
Unknown Cyclist, The

The sole survivor of an elite federal force aims to get even with an Asian crime lord who assassinated his team.

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