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Wallace Beery Film Star

Wallace Beery Film Star

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Buster Keaton - College / Steamboat Bill Jr. / Three Ages
Buster Keaton - College / Steamboat Bill Jr. / Three Ages

Three features. Buster Keaton demonstrates both comic and dramatic skills as he parodies the evils of intolerance in prehistoric times, ancient Rome and in modern times. 'College is centred around life on a college campus and in 'Steamboat Bill Jr'...

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Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel

A drama dealing with the interpersonal relationships of a variety of people living in a Berlin hotel.

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Lost World, The (Silent)
Lost World, The (Silent)

A reconstructed and restored version of the silent 1925 science fiction film based on the story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which revolves around the existence of dinosaurs in South America 10 million years after they became extinct.

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Lost World, The (Silent)
Lost World, The (Silent)

The silent 1925 science fiction film based on the story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which revolves around the existence of dinosaurs in South America 10 million years after they became extinct.

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Robin Hood (Silent)
Robin Hood (Silent)

The original screen version of Robin Hood. King Richard has set off on a crusade leaving his brother in a position to take power. Silent.

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