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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
A story of the universal problem faced when people get divorced of step-parents, step-children, ex-spouses, new lovers etc. Isobel is the girlfriend of Jackie's ex-husband Luke and the two women have considerable differences until Jackie discovers...
The true story of Patsy Cline, the legendary American country singer of the 1950s. She was destined to become a star to rival them all - until fate struck a tragic blow.
The life of Truman Burbank has been broadcast around the world with tremendous success since the day he was born. A star for the mere fact that he exists, Truman has no idea that there are cameras in every corner of his world.
Truman Burbank lives a 'normal', mundane existence. But for all the other people in the world he exists as a character on the television...
The life of Truman Burbank has been broadcast around the world with tremendous success since the day he was born. A star for the mere fact that he exists, Truman has no idea that there are cameras in every corner of his world.
Truman Burbank lives a 'normal', mundane existence. But for all the other people in the world he exists as a character on the television...
True story of William Walker who was born in America. He was a successful businessman who carved himself brilliant careers in medicine, law, journalism and politics. During this time America was expanding its borders and with the help of an Walker...