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Director Naohito Takahashi

Director Naohito Takahashi

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Berserk Vol.1
Berserk Vol.1

Set during a time that very much resembles Europe during the Middle Ages, BESERK is a story of revenge set in the castle town of Midland. Recently, the town has seen the rise of a wicked king, who uses demonic minions to control and victimise his a...

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Berserk Vol.2
Berserk Vol.2

Set during a time that very much resembles Europe during the Middle Ages, BESERK is a story of revenge set in the castle town of Midland. Recently, the town has seen the rise of a wicked king, who uses demonic minions to control and victimise his a...

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Berserk Vol.3
Berserk Vol.3

In these episodes, the Hawk steps up its attack on the armies of Chuder. Unfortunately, Caska and Guts are wounded on the front line, leaving them trapped in enemy territory and making them sitting ducks for the Chuder army. Contains episodes...

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Berserk Vol.4
Berserk Vol.4

In these episodes, the battle between Midland and Chuder reaches its climax when the Band of the Hawk reaches the Chuder stronghold of Doldery and challenges the undefeated army of General Boscogn.

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Berserk Vol.5
Berserk Vol.5

The castle town of Midland has seen the rise of a wicked king, and with him a powerful military force. Known as the Band of the Hawk, these soldiers are mercenaries led by two experienced and charismatic warriors, Griffith and Guts. Unfortunately,...

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