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"Biblical" DVDs for Sale

"Biblical" DVDs for Sale

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Barabbas (Wide Screen)
Barabbas (Wide Screen)

Dramatic biblical epic telling the story of Barabbas, the thief and murderer who was freed in place of Jesus and spent the rest of his life haunted by his ghost.

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Ben Hur
Ben Hur

Anno Domini: the seventh year of Augustus Caesar's reign. In the Roman province of Judea, Jews return to the city of their birth for the census. A bright star in the night over Bethlehem marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Years later, Roman commander...

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Ben Hur
Ben Hur

Anno Domini: the seventh year of Augustus Caesar's reign. In the Roman province of Judea, Jews return to the city of their birth for the census. A bright star in the night over Bethlehem marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Years later, Roman commander...

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Ben Hur (Deluxe Box Set) (DVD, Lobby Cards, Senitype And Poster) (Wide Screen)
Ben Hur (Deluxe Box Set) (DVD, Lobby Cards, Senitype And Poster) (Wide Screen)

A man who defies the Romans brings tragedy to himself and his family. Set against the back-drop of the life of Jesus. Winner of eleven Academy Awards. This biblical epic is best remembered for its breath-taking chariot race. Based on a novel by Lew...

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Ben Hur / Gone With The Wind / Doctor Zhivago (Box Set)
Ben Hur / Gone With The Wind / Doctor Zhivago (Box Set)

In 'Ben Hur' a man who defies the Romans brings tragedy to himself and his family. Set against the back-drop of the life of Jesus. Based on a novel by Lew Wallace. 'Gone With The Wind' is an absorbing film version of Margaret Mitchell's Pullitzer a...

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A man who defies the Romans brings tragedy to himself and his family. Set against the back-drop of the life of Jesus. Winner of eleven Academy Awards. This biblical epic is best remembered for its breath-taking chariot race. Based on a novel by Lew...

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Bible - Abraham, The
Bible - Abraham, The

A dramatization of the life of Abraham, the most tested servant of God, from his quest for the Promised Land to the sacrifice of his son.

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Bible - Apocalypse Revelation, The
Bible - Apocalypse Revelation, The

Dramatisation of the Biblical story of Saint John. Set during the period of the rule of Emperor Domitian, John's visions show the demise of the world and its ultimate apocalypse.

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Bible - Complete, The (Box Set)
Bible - Complete, The (Box Set)

Six features. Adaptations of biblical tales, featuring: 'Samson And Delilah', 'Moses', 'Jesus', 'Joseph', 'Abraham' and 'David'.

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Bible - David, The
Bible - David, The

DAVID is the young shepherd who would go on to defend a nation; a simple man who rises to greatness as he is chosen to be the ruler of Israel. In the process, he defends his people by slaying a giant and becoming a military legend. Nathaniel Parker...

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Bible - Esther, The
Bible - Esther, The

Dramatisation of the Biblical story of Esther.

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Bible - Jacob, The
Bible - Jacob, The

Tells the story of Jacob and his battling with his brother Esau to gain his father's affections.

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Bible - Jeremiah, The
Bible - Jeremiah, The

Dramatisation of the Biblical story of Jeremiah, who spends his life admonishing those who turn from God.

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Bible - Jesus, The
Bible - Jesus, The

This drama traces Jesus's journey from simple carpenter to spiritual leader, philosopher and martyr--focusing on his compassionate teachings as well as his relationships with Mary, Joseph, his apostles, persecutors, and the heavenly father.

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