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A comprehensive look at the R.A.F.'s Coastal Command division in the years 1936 to 1968, during which time Coastal Command protected Britain from naval theats via air.
Join Jane Corsellis as she paints a series of watercolours on the Pembrokeshire coast.
Covering such locations as Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Huatulco, La Paz, Loreto, Manzanallo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Santa Rosalia, and Zihuatanejo.
A journey along this East Anglian county's beautiful and varied coastlaine.
The story of the often forgotten command whose wartime duties ranged from hunting submarines to attacking enemy ships and U-boats.
The details of the RAF operations during World War Two, RAF Coastal Command, the history of the RAF and a film which shows the great effort that was made by all to bring Britain to it's finest hour and to pay tribute to all who gave their lives in...
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