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"Pocahontas" DVDs for Sale

"Pocahontas" DVDs for Sale

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Adventure Tales - Mulan/Pocahontas
Adventure Tales - Mulan/Pocahontas

Based on the chinese legend, MULAN is the story of a young girl who dresses up as a boy in order to fight in the war and protect her family.<BR> POCAHONTAS tells the tale of a brave and spirited Native American princess who risks her life to save...

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Retelling of the classic tale about the friendship that is formed between the daughter of a tribal chief and an English settler in the New World.

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Pocahontas (Animated)
Pocahontas (Animated)

An animated version of the classic story of a Red Indian maiden who marries an English colonist and finds adventure on the streets of England.

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Pocahontas (Animated)
Pocahontas (Animated)

The classic story of Pocahontas, the Indian princess who risked her life to save Captain John Smith.

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Pocahontas (Animated) (Special Edition)
Pocahontas (Animated) (Special Edition)

Captain John Smith arrives with a boatload of English settlers in New England - alarming the local Indian tribe. On meeting the chief's daughter, Pocahontas, the two begin an emotional journey which tests her loyalty and shapes the future of two...

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Pocahontas (Animated) (Wide Screen)
Pocahontas (Animated) (Wide Screen)

The romance between the spirited Indian beauty Pocahontas and the handsome British captain John Smith is painted in dazzling colors and sweeping music. This 33rd animated feature from Disney boasts the voice talents of Irene Bedard, Mel Gibson, and...

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Pocahontas 2 -Journey To A New World (Animated)
Pocahontas 2 -Journey To A New World (Animated)

Continuing the adventures of Pocahontas, this adventure follows the journey to a new world with friends Flit, Meeko and Percy.

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Triple Tales Of The Wild (Animated)
Triple Tales Of The Wild (Animated)

Three animated adventures. In 'Leo The Lion' a selfish jungle king learns an important lesson about humility and working with others. An animated adventure for kids of all ages. Also features: 'Pocahontas' and 'Jungle Boy'.

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