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Obba Babatunde Film Star

Obba Babatunde Film Star

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After The Sunset (Wide Screen)
After The Sunset (Wide Screen)

Brett Ratner (RUSH HOUR) directed this lighthearted caper starring Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek as lovebird jewel thieves. After snatching a huge diamond out from under the nose of FBI agent Stan (Woody Harrelson), the pair retire to the Bahamas...

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How High
How High

High school students Silas and Jamal have two aims in life - to get high and to get girls. Silas discovers some 'Superweed' which has a surprising effect - the pair start to achieve really good grades at school and manage to get accepted at Harvard...

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Life (Wide Screen)
Life (Wide Screen)

The story starts in New York 1932 when Claude and Ray head south to Mississippi on a Bootlegging run. Things don't go exactly as planned.

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