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"Vu" DVDs for Sale

"Vu" DVDs for Sale

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CSNY - Deja Vu
CSNY - Deja Vu

Despite its title, CSNY DEJA VU is no baby-boomer nostalgia exercise. Chronicling Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's 2006 tour, the film is a not just a concert movie but an engrossing exegesis on the myriad ways that entertainers, fans, soldiers, and...

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Deja Vu
Deja Vu

When a New Orleans ferry carrying 500 passengers is destroyed by a bomb, Doug Carling; a newly-recruited FBI agent is drafted in to track down the perpetrator. When a body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the victim was before...

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Deja Vu
Blu-RayDeja Vu

When a New Orleans ferry carrying 500 passengers is destroyed by a bomb, Doug Carling; a newly-recruited FBI agent is drafted in to track down the perpetrator. When a body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the victim was before...

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Deja Vu
Deja Vu

When a New Orleans ferry carrying 500 passengers is destroyed by a bomb, Doug Carling; a newly-recruited FBI agent is drafted in to track down the perpetrator. When a body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the victim was before...

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