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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
Provides a guide to Vienna, exploring the Hofburg Palace, the Freud Museum and one of the City's famous balls.
Provides a visual guide to Washington DC. Follow a traveller as she explores the history and the culture within America's political capital.
A gripping insight on the scheming and double-dealing that goes on behind the scenes of Big City politics. An explosive conflict between a Mayor and his Deputy.
Jackie Chan stars as a freelance crime-fighter who strikes a blow against international terrorists planning to hijack an ocean liner. Martial arts. Plus behind-the-scenes footage.
A tour of the classical architectural wonders of France's capital such as Notre Dame and the Arc De Triomphe.
A tour of the European baroque town famous as much for its unspoiled architecture as for being the home of the composer Johann Sebastian Bach.
A tour around the much admired Italian city famous for it's gothic cathedral and the Scala Opera House.
More impressions of the 'Big Apple', this time with focus on the vibrant music scene and the history of New York jazz.
A tour of the perfectly preserved baroque architecture of the Czech Republic's famous city. The romantic vistas are punctuated with the music of composer Antonin Dvorak.
Further impression of the picturesque Czech capital and it's popular night spots.
An exploration of the famous Italian town of canals, gondolas and romance with footage of Saint Mark's Square and the music of Vivaldi.
A tour of the Austrian city known for being a mecca of art and music over the latter half of the last millennium. With footage of the city's famous architecture punctuated with the music of composer Johann Strauss.