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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
Features the episodes 'The Guy I Kinda Like Is A Sergeant', 'I Want To Protect You', 'Lingerie Panic' and 'Kidnap'.
With Kaname kidnapped in Siberia, Sousuke and MITHRIL attempt to rescue her. Meanwhile her captor intends to extract information from Kaname's brain.
A violent young boy is investigated as a potential Lambda Driver by MITHRIL, which results in an attack by terrorists on their research facility. With Kalinin missing after the attack, it is up to Sousuke to help.
While they take a hot bath, Sergeant Major Mao explains to Captain Testarossa and Kaname the tale of how she came to meet Kurz and Sousuke. Then, when terrorists take control of a US chemical plant on the island of Berildaobu, MITHRIL and the de a...
When a US Naval captain with a grudge makes the Tuatha de Danaan a target, Kalinin takes action. However aboard the submarine Kurz and Sousuke are left to find out who has taken control of the vessel, and Kaname must use her abilities as a to their...
An operatic film based on Claudio Monteverdi's FOURTH BOOK 0F MADRIGALS, which follows the break-up of six couples.
In hopes of raising a few quid after their steel factory shuts down, a desperate group of working-class blokes in Sheffield decide to form an exotic male dance troupe, a la Chippendales, with one difference despite their, well, average-at-best to...
In hopes of raising a few quid after their steel factory shuts down, a desperate group of working-class blokes in Sheffield decide to form an exotic male dance troupe, a la Chippendales, with one difference despite their, well, average-at-best to...
A full moon glimmering over the Earth brings out the animal in a selection of erotic individuals...
Fourteen tracks from the 2006 psy-trance festival featuring Star Sounds Orchestra, Infected Mushroom, Oforia, Chromatone, Filteria, Astral Projection and more.
An independent young designer lives life to the full with two houses, two men and two lives. French with English subtitles.
PUNK'D star Ryan Pinkston stars as a teenager who can't stop lying in FULL OF IT. His character is made to suffer when the lies start to come true, causing a brief spate of popularity followed by seemingly endless problems.
PUNK'D star Ryan Pinkston stars as a teenager who can't stop lying in FULL OF IT. His character is made to suffer when the lies start to come true, causing a brief spate of popularity followed by seemingly endless problems.